Vision Crop Care

Quick Power


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• Chemical Composition: Glufosinate Ammonium 13.5% w/w SL
• Recommended Crops: Cotton, Tea
• Quick Power Herbicide Dose: 6.6 ml per Liter of water, 100 ml per Pump (15L pump), 1 Liter per Acre Spray
Description: Quick Power Herbicide is a cutting-edge non-selective herbicide designed to effectively target difficult-to-kill weeds while ensuring safety for the applicator when used with approved protective measures. It acts upon contact and poses less risk to crops compared to other non-selective herbicides used in directed spray. This herbicide demonstrates enhanced efficacy against certain weed species resistant to traditional treatments.

⁃ Quick Power Herbicide represents a new generation of non-selective herbicides.
⁃ When used with approved protective measures, it delivers exceptional efficacy against tough-to-control weeds while ensuring safety for the applicator.
⁃ It is a post-emergent herbicide with a broad spectrum and non-selective action.
⁃ Functions by inhibiting the glutamine synthetase enzyme.
⁃ Highly effective against challenging weed species.
⁃ With proper safety precautions, it ensures applicator safety.
⁃ Minimizes crop and soil damage due to low spray drift.
⁃ Application limited to specific areas where weeds are present.
⁃ Weeds should be actively growing and at a height of 4-6 inches during application, with a rain-free period of at least 6 hours post-spraying.
⁃ Adequate spray coverage on weeds should be ensured using an appropriate spray volume.

• Target Weeds:
For Cotton: Cynodon dactylon, Cyperus rotundus, Dactyloteneum aegyptium, Digitaria marginata, Echinchloa sp.
⁃ For Tea: Borreria hispida, Imperata cylindrica, Ageratum conyzaides, Commelina benghalensis, Eleusine indica, Panicum repens, Paspalum conjugatum, Digitaria sanguinalis.


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